Architecture is an art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being.Luis Barragan
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Kreate has achieved an excellent level of success for a young firm. Our talented group has achieved recogition thorugh publication in Award Magazine and WoodWorks for the excellence in design, construction and project delivery.
The firm of Kreate Architecture and Design Ltd was awarded the Premier's Award of Excellence in Design 2017 for the Piapot First Nation Arbour enclosure.
Past awards include the Residential Selection Award by the Canadian Wood Council for the excellent design strategy achieved on the pisokamik Elders Lodge, Silver Sage Holdings Ltd, Regina, Saskatchewan. This design solution, integrating First Nations concepts, creates a unique environment for the housing facililty to promote interaction and provide opportunities for cultural events.
Project submissions have been accepted nationally and internationally on multiple levels of competition.
Design submissions have been successfully received for international competitions in London, The Netherlands, and the Ukraine. Further information on these submissions will soon be published as a component of our portfolio for completed works.
Our dedicated team continues to challenge themselves for design solutions that excell within the environment, are responsive to client's needs and serve the greater needs of the community.
Architecture is an art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being.Luis Barragan
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